001-Temple |
 002-Temple |
 003-Bell and drum |
 004-Bell ringing |
 005-Bell ringing |
.JPG) 006-Bell (20 tons) |
 007-Changing of the guard |
 008-Changing of the guard |
 009-Changing of the guard |
 010-Changing of the guard |
 011-Changing of the guard |
 012-Changing of the guard |
 013-Changing of the guard |
 014-Changing of the guard |
 015-Changing of the guard |
 016-Changing of the guard |
 017-Changing of the guard |
 018-Changing of the guard |
 019-Changing of the guard |
 020-Changing of the guard |
 021-Changing of the guard |
 022-Changing of the guard |
 023-Changing of the guard |
 024-Changing of the guard |
 025-Changing of the guard |
 026-Bell ringing |
 027-Bell ringing |
 028-Traditional dress |
 029-Traditional dress |
 030-Traditional dress |
 031-Traditional dress |
 032-Traditional dress |
.JPG) 033-Mother of pearl box ($2,000) |
 034-Traditional instruments |
 035-Jongno Tower |
 036-Post Tower |
 037-Vietnamese restaurant |
 038-Porridge restaurant |
 039-Socks |
 040-Tulip with graffiti |
 041-Doll shop |
 042-Sheep sculpture |
 043-Sheep sculpture |
 044-Mysterious activity in subway |
 045-Mysterious activity in subway |
 046-In the subway |
 047-Soldiers |
 048-Schoolgirls |
 049-Schoolgirls |
 050-Schoolgirls |
 051-Schoolgirls |
 052-Flowers in shoes |
 053-Sculpture |
 054-Traditional neighborhood |
 055-Traditional neighborhood |
 056-Traditional neighborhood |
 057-Traditional neighborhood |
 058-Traditional neighborhood |
 059Traditional neighborhood |
 060-Traditional neighborhood |
 061-Traditional neighborhood |
 062-Traditional neighborhood |
 063-Art gallery |
 064-Art gallery |
 065-Art gallery |
 066-Lost dog |