Herb Pharmacy Software
by Glenn Alcott
This program is designed to manage a Chinese herbal pharmacy. It includes the following functions:
- Keep track of inventory, including cost and current inventory levels for each herb
- Create formulas consisting of a list of herbs and a markup percentage for each herb
- Create prescriptions for individual patients and calculate the prescription cost and selling price
- Print prescription pages to save in a patient's paper file
- Print prescription labels to attach to bottles
- Save patient prescription information
Since the program is web-based, it can be used on any computer. There is also a Windows-based desktop version for those who prefer to have the data stored locally on their computer. The cost
for either version is a one-time fee of $300. Customized versions can be created for an additional fee.
For more information and a demo of either version, please contact me at galcott@nyc.rr.com.
Click here for a user guide explaining all the functions in detail.
Below are pictures of the the 3 screens: herbs, formulas and patients.